The Year of the Dragon in 2024 brings evolution, progress and abundance.


This year we are launching a major writing course to help gifted children learn how to write and create their own books, all the way through to publishing on sites like Amazon. We look forward to adding your child to this small group of young writers.

We accept children at all stages of writing as long as they have the desire to create their own original work. Good luck to everyone.

Apply to join the program

Please contact us via WeChat to discuss what stage of writing your child is at right now. This will help us recommend how they can take part in the program.

Assessment process

We will assess the situation and discuss which part of the program is most suitable for your child. (either novice, or advanced writing skills)

Enter the creative writing program.

Once accepted into the program, we will schedule the appropriate process and steps, to introduce your child to the creative writing program.

Feb 24

Early Admission

July 24

Proceed to Publication

After several years working in this field, teaching children from an early age, we have discovered that if children are given the right support, have developed very advanced English creative writing skills that are at similar levels to native English speakers from Western countries. In one particular case, a young Chinese girl of seven years of age is writing at almost High School level in a typical Australian school. We are now helping this little girl to publish her own novel. She was the inspiration for us to start this program.

Young Writer’s Challenge


You can contact our Help Desk to discuss (in Chinese) your child’s possible participation in the Young Writer’s Challenge program.